kief refers to the resin which contain the terpenes and cannabinoids that make cannabis so unique, This concentrate on its own is stronger than traditional flower, but less potent than most extracted concentrates like shatter, budder, wax, and oil.
How to make Kief
it is made by separating the trichomes, which contain the marijuana plant’s cannabinoids and terpenes, from the rest of the cannabis flower. Because it is more potent than cannabis flower, less is needed in order to feel the desired effects.
The standard of this product you’re collecting will depend directly on the standard of the plant it comes from. It is fairly green in color usually indicates that there’s tons of plant matter mixed in, a transparent indicator of low-quality kief that ought to be further refined. This strain produces a cerebral high that leave consumers feeling relaxed, creative, and buzzy from head-to-toe. The effects of Biscotti are known to creep up on consumers, so it’s best to take it slow with this strain.
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